CHelper Functions

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CHelper Functions


The CHelper is an object that contains a group of functions used to perform operations or get information about non-contextualized information. Non-contextualized means that these functions are not necessarily related to the case or BPMN element where the rule is executed. So you can operate two numbers, or get information from other elements in the project.


See our Bizagi Business Rules API


The following table contains the different functions you can find within the CHelper object.





Cancel Process

Cancel cases and those related to them (sibling, child and parent cases).

CHelper.abortProcess(Me, CaseId, AbortOption, AbortReason)

Concatenate documents from files array

Concatenates documents from a files array into a PDF document or a Word document according to the selected function.






Concatenate documents from two XPaths

Concatenates documents from two different XPaths into a PDF document or a Word document according to the selected function.


CHelper.ConcatDocumentsFromTwoXpathsToPDF(Me, Xpath1, Xpath2)



CHelper.ConcatDocumentsFromTwoXpathsToWord(Me, Xpath1, Xpath2)

Concatenate documents from XPath

Concatenates documents from an XPath into a PDF document or a Word document according to the selected function.


CHelper.ConcatDocumentsFromXpathFileToPDF(Me, XPath)



CHelper.ConcatDocumentsFromXpathFileToWord(Me, XPath)

Convert a date from user time zone to server time zone

Returns a date time attribute converted from a user time zone, for example UTC - 5, to the server time zone where the project runs for example UTC.



Counts the number of elements of an Entity.

CHelper.entityListCount(String entityName, String filter)

Enable asynchronous execution

This function takes the id of the asynchronous activity you wish to enable as a parameter and enables it.


Enable wait job

This function takes the id of the scheduled job you wish to enable as a parameter and enables it.


Get all stuck asynchronous work items

This function will retrieve all the blocked asynchronous activities.


Get all stuck wait jobs

This function will retrieve all the blocked scheduled jobs.


Get Assigned WorkItems

Returns all the WorkItems that have an active allocation to a given user.

CHelper.getAssignedWorkItems(Me, CaseId, CurrentAsigneeId, IncludeSubProcesses)

Get attribute

Returns the value of a given attribute of a specific record in an entity.

CHelper.getAttrib(sEntityName, oEntityKey, sAttribName)

Get Boolean

Returns true if the parameter equals 1 or true, false otherwise.


Obtain case object

Returns the case object without the need of context.


Get case users

Obtains the users that have worked on a case.


Get current time for user

Obtains the current user's time.


Get effective duration

Returns the time difference, in minutes, considering only working days.

CHelper.getEffectiveDuration(Me, Start, End)

Get effective duration for user

Returns the time difference, in minutes, considering only working days for the specified user.

CHelper.getEffectiveDurationForUser(idUser, Start, End)

Get entity attribute

Obtains a value from an Entity not related to the Data Model.

CHelper.getEntityAttrib(Entity, ValueToReturn, filter, filterParameters)

Get estimated date

Returns a date given an initial date and a period of time, considering the Working Time Schema.

CHelper.getEstimatedDate(Me, dtFromDate, iDuration)

Get estimated date for user

Returns a date given user id, a start date and a number of minutes.

CHelper.getEstimatedDateForUser(idUser, dtFromDate, iDuration)

Get estimated date from user date time

Calculates a date considering the time schema and user timezone.


Get localized value

Returns the value of a localized entity attribute using the current user's language.

CHelper.GetLocalizedValue(EntityName, AttribName, SurrogateKeyValue)

Get next sequence value

Obtains the next value of a sequence.


Get parameter value

Obtains the value of a custom parameter.


Get parent process Id

Retrieves the parent identifier of a child process, without the need of context.

CHelper.getParentProcessId(caseId, wfclassName)

Get sibling processes' Id

Obtains the identifiers of the sibling Processes (Sub-Processes with the same parent Process) of a specific Process.

CHelper.getSiblingProcessesId(Me, WfClassName)

Get Solution date

Returns a date given an initial date and a period of time, considering the Working Time Schema and holidays.

CHelper.getSolutionDate(Me, dtFromDate, iDuration)

Get solution date for user

Returns a date given user id, a start date and a number of minutes, it considers the user's Working Time Schema and holidays.

CHelper.getSolutionDateForUser(idUser, dtFromDate, iDuration)

Get String Extended

Retrieves the value stored in an Extended object.

CHelper.GetStringExtended("ExtendedObjectName", Default value, Culture)

Get Sub-Processes' Id

Obtains the identifier of all child processes.


Get given Sub-Processes' Id

Obtains the identifier of all the given child processes.

CHelper.getSubProcessesId(Me, WfClassName)

Get users for Position

Obtains a list of the users who hold a certain Position within the organization.


Get filtered users for position

Obtains a list of the active users who hold a certain Position within the organization, if the "filterActive" parameter is true.

CHelper.getUsersForPosition(posName, filterActive)

Get users for role

Obtains a list of the users who hold a certain Role within the organization.


Get filtered users for role

Obtains a list of the active users who hold a certain Role within the organization, if the parameter is true.

CHelper.getUsersForRole(roleName, filterActive)

Get users for skill

Obtains a list of the users who have a certain Skill within the organization.


Get filtered users for skill

Obtains a list of the active users who have a certain Skill within the organization, if the parameter is true.

CHelper.getUsersForSkill(skillName, filterActive)

Get users by Persona

Returns an array of Persona objects for the given Persona entity name.


Get Personas for User

Obtains all the Personas of a given user

GetPersonasForUser("User Id")

GetPersonasForUser("User Id","PersonaName")


Obtains a predefined schema for any entity, as configured in Bizagi Studio.

CHelper.getXSD(entityName, xsdName)


Obtains a predefined transformation file that you registered for any entity, as configured in Bizagi Studio.

CHelper.getXSL(entityName, xslName)

Grant case access

Grants the given user, access to the given case.

CHelper.GrantCaseAccess(idCase, idUser)

Is empty

Returns true if the object specified as parameter is empty; otherwise, returns false.


Is null

Returns true if the object specified as parameter is null; otherwise, returns false.


Is working day

Verifies if a Date is a Working day.


Is working day for user

Verifies if a Date is a Working day for a specific user.

CHelper.IsWorkingDayForUser(idUser, Date)

Is working hour

Returns true if a specific date falls under the organization's working time schema; otherwise, it returns false.

CHelper.IsWorkingMinute(Me, Date)

Is working hour for user

Returns true if a specific date falls under the given user's working time schema; otherwise, it returns false.

CHelper.IsWorkingMinuteForUser(idUser, Date)

Get the next assigned user by load

Returns the id of the next user available for assignment by load.

CHelper.LoadAssig(AssigneeList, Me)

New case

Creates a new case with the creator user defined.


New case with business information

Creates a new case based on the information provided in the input parameter (string XML).


Perform activity

Executes an activity, it's the equivalent of pressing the NEXT button.


Raise cancel intermediate event

Raises a cancellation and adds a cancellation log file.


Raise error intermediate event

Interrupts the current activity and deviates the normal path towards the error path. This function will add an error log file.


Raise cancel end event

Interrupts the transactional Sub-Process and deviates the normal path towards the cancel path.


Raise error end event

Interrupts the transactional Sub-Process and deviates the normal path towards the error path.


Reset sequence value

Resets the seed value of a sequence to its initial value, taking the sequence name as input.


If you use CHelper.ResetSequenceValue, read the information in the Rules API, as using this function has important considerations.


Resolve Vocabulary

Obtains the value stored in a specific Vocabulary.

CHelper.resolveVocabulary(Me, VocabularyName)

Get the next assigned user by sequence

Returns the id of the next user available for assignment by sequence.

CHelper.SecuentialAssig(AssigneeList, Me)

Set attribute

Modifies specific attribute values from specific records of an entity.


If you use CHelper.setAttrib, read the information in this link carefully, as using this function has important considerations.

CHelper.setAttrib(sEntityName, oEntityKey, sAttribName, oAttribValue)

Execute event

Executes an available intermediate Event in Bizagi, which has no specific type defined.

CHelper.setEvent(Me, Caseid, eventName, null)



Evaluate if there are open processes

Evaluates if cases are open for a specific case creation number.


Evaluate if there are open processes

Evaluates if cases are open for a specific case creation number and WfClassName.

CHelper.thereAreOpenProcesses(caseNumber, wfclassName)

Throw validation error

Displays an error message on the Work Portal.


Throw validation alert

Displays a customized alert message on the Work Portal.


To base64

Converts files to base64.


To Integer

Converts a string to Integer.



Logs the user-defined traces which are manually included in Business Rules.

CHelper.trace(sFileName, sText)

Update ECM metadata

Maps business information into a document to be stored at the ECM.

CHelper.UpdateECMMetadata(Me, data, XPath)

Force attribute to deploy

Forces Bizagi to include attributes that are not included in a deployment.


CHelper.usingXPath(EntityName, xpath)

Last Updated 2/5/2025 3:49:06 PM