Cloud services users and roles

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Cloud services users and roles


In Bizagi, you have different roles for your users of all the Bizagi cloud platform services. There are different roles to manage users across the environments, projects, subscriptions of each service. This article describes the type of roles available in Bizagi cloud platform services.


One company can purchase a subscription of each service offered in our cloud-based platform. For example, one company can have a subscription of Automation Service, and one subscription of Studio Cloud Services.  Each service has a type of workspace (known as projects or models). The following table shows the subscriptions and workspace available:



Automation Service

Studio Cloud Services

Modeler service

Workspace name





Bizagi's Customer Portal controls access to workspace based on a Role Access model. Roles are distributed hierarchically among the different levels. A company has five levels:


Company: Company who has access to the purchased services.

Subscription: Services offered by Bizagi like Automation, Studio Cloud Services, Modeler.

Project/Model: Each service has a resource type where users can work on. For example, in Automation and Studio you have projects, and in Modeler you have models.

Environment: Each project has an environment. This environment can either be for Development, Testing or Production.

Developer: In Studio Cloud Services there are five predefined Profiles, these profiles are managed by the Subscription Owner through the Build Page.


All the users registered through the Customer Portal, are registered in a private Identity Provider, that grants access to the portals or applications of each service. For more information, refer to the Accessing services' portals and applications documentation.


Within each level, the Customer Portal offers roles as follows:




Company Level

Company Administrator: this user can create users to the company user's pool and manage users in all the company subscriptions.


Subscription Level

Subscription Owner: For each service, there is an owner in the company, for example, an Automation service owner, a Studio Cloud Services owner, and a Modeler service owner. Each subscription owner can manage users under the service where is entitled as owner.

Subscription Viewer: A user with this role can read (consult) the projects created under a subscription. They can also create new projects.



Subscription viewer role is only available in Customer Portal version 2.0.1


Project/Model Level

Project Owner / Model Owner: Each service has different types of workspace. For example, in Modeler services, you have models, in other services you have projects. A workspace owner is the creator of the workspace and can manage users for a specific model or project, to invite users to be part of the workspace, and define its role. For example a Project Owner in Automation Service, or a Model Owner in Modeler Services.

Project Contributor / Editor: This is a user accessing, editing, or viewing a workspace of a subscription, for example, contributors, or project editors.


Environment Level

Environment Owner: this user has full access to the Management Console options, as well as the User administration of Automation or Studio Cloud Service in the Customer Portal.

Environment Administrator: this user has full access to the Management Console options.

Environment Technical: this profile only has access to modules related with external systems tools (modules: Connect, Scheduler, Track, RPA Bots, and Data Visualization).

Environment Basic: this profile only has access to the Track module in the Management Console


Development Level

Full access developer: gives the user access to the authoring environment to work and configure the automation of processes without restrictions on Studio Cloud Service and all of its features. It's the default profile for a user without a defined profile.

Power user: grants limited access to Studio, users that have subject matter expertise and know how the business works, while maintaining lower technical proficiency.

Project configurator: gives the user access to features for configuring the project, including organization, widgets, connectors, Configuration (environment, proxy, sequences case numbering), export/import, and others.

Developer: gives the user access to the authoring environment to work on the automation of processes on Studio Cloud Service and all its feature. However, this profile doesn't have access to the project configuration features.

Apps Builder: this role grants the user access to build and manage the Experience Matrix, including AI data domain (Ask ADA) and the Persona module.



The Development Level roles are configured from the Build Page.
They are only available for users of your Studio Cloud Services Subscription.


Based on the level, each role has a set of permissions to manage the level scope. For example, the permission a user has in the subscription level, like reading or making changes. The following section describes the set of permissions the roles have in each level:


Permissions at the Company Level

At the company level, the only role who can manage users at this level is the Company Administrator.



Permissions at the Subscription level

At the subscription level, the Subscription Owner is the only role that can manage the subscription users. The Subscription Viewer, on the other hand, can see the subscription as read-only.




The Company Administrator inherits all the permissions that the subscription owner has, at the subscription level.


Permissions at the Project level

Once you have a project created, roles have the following permissions:



Permissions are inherited for upper roles in the hierarchy. For example, the subscription owner inherits the project owner's permission, therefore, a user with the subscription owner role can share, delete, edit, read, and create projects.



When a user creates a new project, regardless of his role, he becomes the Project owner, and all permissions of that role are transferred as the owner.


Permissions at the Environment Level

Depending on the type of Environment used for your project you can configures roles for your users.
For a Development Environment refer to the Environment Profiles in Studio Cloud Services article.


For Testing or Production Environment refer to the Environment Profiles in Automation Service article.


Permissions at Development Level

Depending on the role you use for a user they will have different permissions on your Studio Cloud Services Subscription.

For more information on these roles refer to the Studio Developer Profiles article

Last Updated 1/13/2025 8:43:24 PM