Extending your documentation

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Extending your documentation


You can extend your documentation to include any type of information that you find relevant for your processes, through extended attributes.

Extended attributes are used to customize your documentation by adding to the basic attributes which is the default option.



You can include extended attributes in each element of the process.

Once you have created an extended attribute, it will be available for all elements of the same type.


Include Extended Attributes

In order to better explain how you can easily include extended attributes, we will add a Duration attribute to all Tasks in our Purchase Request process.

As Duration is an integer numeric data type, we will use a Number attribute.


1. Select and right-click the Task where you want to create the extended attribute, then select Properties from the display menu.

Select the Extended Attributes tab on the Element properties in the newly displayed add-on window.




2. Click the Add New Extended Attribute link. Provide a name and description, then select Number as the attribute's Type.




3. Some types have special information that you can add. For Number-type extended attributes you can add a valid range. In this case we define a duration range of 0 to 500 minutes.


Notice this is the creation of the Extended Attribute only. We have defined a name, its description and a range. Now, we are able to enter the Duration for each Task.


Use Extended Attributes

Once you have created one Extended Attribute it will be available for all the elements of the same type in the Model.

On the Extended tab of the Element properties add-on window, enter the information for each element of the same type as shown in the image below.



Last Updated 12/19/2024 3:36:09 PM