Understanding users in the Customer Portal

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Understanding users in the Customer Portal


This article explains the roles, types and permissions users can have within Bizagi Cloud offering.
For more information about Bizagi cloud platform roles, refer to the Cloud services users and roles article.


Levels in Bizagi

Company level

The company level encompasses all the users your company has in every service of the Bizagi Cloud offering.

When you create users within the company, these users can be entitled to the different roles of each service. Each Company user can be added to any of the services that the company holds.


A Company user is a person from your company that is going to use a Bizagi Cloud Service. In simpler terms, a Company user is an account containing email, name, job title, etc.


A role is related to a Company user, and is the way to give permissions to a Company user. For example, a role a Company user can have is the Subscription Owner role. If a user does not have a role, they will not be able to use the Bizagi Cloud services.


To assign any role to a user (such as Subscription owner), they need to be a Company user first. For more information, refer to the Manage company Users article.




Company Administrator role

The Company Administrators can create users in the Company user's pool and manage users in every subscription the company has.

Company Administrators can consult and manage users by their role.


As a Company Administrator, you are the user that controls all other users, projects, models and subscriptions in the Bizagi Cloud Services. This means you can perform all the available actions in all of your Bizagi Cloud Services.


Moreover, at the company level, the Company Administrator can perform the following actions:

Create Company Users, either singularly or in batches.

Edit or deactivate users, either singularly or in batches.

Set Company Administrators.

Remove Company Administrators.


Subscription level

To use a Bizagi service you must purchase a subscription. This subscription is valid for one service. For example, a Modeler Service subscription is not the same as a Studio Cloud Services (SCS) subscription.


For a user to utilize a Bizagi service subscription, they need to be a Subscription user. Recall that for a user to be a Subscription user they need to be a Company user first.





Project/Model level

A project or model are workspaces where users of a subscription can work on.



Roles per service

Bizagi Studio

Subscription Owner role

The Subscription Owner allows users to manage other users and their roles in Bizagi Studio Cloud Service.


A Subscription Owner can perform the following actions:

Add users to the service subscription, either singularly or in batches.

Change a user role.

Remove Subscription users.


The Subscription Owner role applies for each particular subscription. For example, if a user has the Subscription Owner role of SCS, they are not able to add users to a Modeler Service subscription. To do so, they must have the role of Subscription Owner in Modeler Service.

For more information, refer to the Manage subscription Users article.


Contributor role

The Contributor role allows the user to access, edit and view a workspace of the SCS subscription.


Bizagi Automation

Subscription Owner role

The Subscription Owner allows users to manage other users and their roles in Bizagi Automation Service.


A Subscription Owner can perform the following actions:

Add users to the service subscription, either singularly or in batches.

Change a user role.

Remove Subscription users.


The Subscription Owner role applies for each particular subscription. For example, if a user has the Subscription Owner role of Automation Service, they are not able to add users to a Modeler Service subscription. To do so, they must have the role of Subscription Owner in Modeler Service.


Subscription Viewer role

A Subscription Viewer role allows the user to read (consult) the projects created under the Automation Service subscription. Moreover, this role allows the user to create new projects in Bizagi Automation Service.


Project Owner role

Project Owners can share a project with users that are part of the Automation Service subscription. A user must be a Subscription user before they can be invited to join a project.


The Project Owner can perform the following actions:

Share a project.

Change a user role.

Remove a user from the project.


Contributor role

The Contributor role allows the user to access, edit and view a project of the Automation Service subscription.


Bizagi Modeler

Subscription Owner role

The Subscription Owner allows users to manage other users and their roles in Bizagi Modeler Service.


A Subscription Owner can perform the following actions:

Add users to the service subscription, either singularly or in batches.

Change a user role.

Remove Subscription users.


The Subscription Owner role applies for each particular subscription. For example, if a user has the Subscription Owner role of Modeler Service, they are not able to add users to a SCS subscription. To do so, they must have the role of Subscription Owner in SCS.


Subscription Viewer role

A Subscription Viewer role allows the user to read (consult) the models created under the Modeler Service subscription. Moreover, this role allows the user to create new models in Bizagi Modeler Service.


Model Owner role

Model Owners can share a model with users that are part of the Modeler Service subscription. A user must be a Subscription user before they can be invited to join a model.


The Model Owner can perform the following actions:

Share a model.

Change a user role.

Remove a user from the model.


Editor role

The Editor role allows the user to access, edit and view a model of the Modeler Service subscription.







Manage company users

Manage Company Admins

Manage  subscription users

Share a project/workspace/model

Change user roles in project/workspace/model

Remove users from project/workspace/model

Edit a project/workspace/model

Company Administrator

Subscription Owner



Subscription Viewer







Project/Workspace/Model Owner











Developer/Power User








Last Updated 1/20/2025 11:33:21 AM