Bizagi Glossary

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Bizagi Glossary




A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z




Typographical Conventions

This product documentation incorporates the following conventions:

• A term is a word or phrase that has a special meaning. When a term is defined, the term name is highlighted in bold typeface.

• A reference to another definition, section, or help is highlighted with an underlined typeface and provides a link to the relevant location in this help.

• A reference to a shape (element), attribute, or BPMN construct is highlighted with a capitalized word (e.g., Sub-Process).





Actions: Enable Personas to achieve an objective that he/she consciously wills, via a button. Actions can launch processes, update data records with the click of a button (independent of the processes it is related to), create new records of an entity (also being independent of a process) and link process together to create powerful cases. See Actions.


Activity: BPMN element that represents work or tasks carried out by members of the organization.  It stand for manual or automatic Tasks performed by an external system or user.  Activities can be atomic or non-atomic (compound) and they are classified into Tasks and Sub-Processes. See Task properties.


Activity action: Actions defined on enter, on save or on exit of an activity to evaluate conditions, validations, policies, execute expressions and generate emails and document templates. See Assignments, calculations and validations.


Activity scope attribute: Attribute that does not belong to the Process data model and it is used to store information temporarily, for the time an activity lasts. See Temporary attributes.


Ad hoc pattern: Modeling pattern used to model business situations consisting on unstructured Processes (Ad Hoc) rather than well predefined business Processes. See Ad hoc Processes.


Alarm: Email notification sent to a specified person to inform the status of a Task and thereby prompting the necessary actions to complete it. See Defining alarms.


Alarm job: Scheduled job associated to alarms or notifications that are sent when an activity is about to expire, expires or has already expired.


Allocation rule: Rule that determines the specific user or users that are enabled to carry out an specific Activity. See Work allocation components.


Analytics: Analysis tool that graphically presents a view of closed cases statistics. Analytics are divided into two perspectives: Process Analytics and Task Analytics. See Analytics.


Annotation: BPMN element that allows including additional information in BPMN Diagrams. See Modeling for execution.


API (Application programming interface): Set of programming instructions, routines and protocols implemented by an application that allows other applications to communicate with it. See Integrating APIs.


Application entity: Entity that centralizes the information of a project or a set of Processes. These entities manage the entire data model for the whole project. See Entity types.


Application query: Query that allows searching for and consulting cases in Bizagi. See Application queries.


Assignation method: Method that defines how Bizagi allocates a Task (by load, everyone, sequential, first available user). See Work allocation components.


Assignment element: Element used in Expressions to assign values to attributes in a data model or to a variable, using a very simple interface. See Assignment element.


Asynchronous activity: Automatic Task executed independently from the web server, used to call external interfaces. These interfaces are used for integration with customer’s proprietary systems. See Invoking web services from asynchronous activities.


Attribute: Property that describes an entity. For example a customer has a name, a social security number, a gender and an age. See Data Modeling.


Authentication: Component in Bizagi's security module that defines the way in which end users will access the Work Portal. Authentication can be defined as Bizagi authentication, Windows authentication, LDAP or Advanced authentication. See Authentication.


Authorization: Component in Bizagi's security module that defines access or restrictions for end users, in the Work Portal's menus. See Authorization.


Automatic Notification: Predefined email message that is sent automatically to inform when activity has been allocated, a case has been aborted or a Task has been delayed. See Automatic notifications.

Automation: BPM engine that executes in a web browser, the projects configured in Bizagi Studio.




BAM (Business Activity Monitoring): Analysis tool that allows to graphically view information about ongoing cases, displaying the status of Processes, Tasks and resources. See BAM.


BAPI (Business Application Programming Interfaces): Set of programming instructions, routines and protocols implemented by SAP to allow other applications to communicate with it. See Integrating Bizagi with SAP Connector.


Bizagi: The leading platform for faster and flexible digital transformation. See Bizagi official site.


Bizagi administrator: End user with permissions to manage the Bizagi Studio Security. See Bizagi Studio security.


Bizagi BPM Suite: Platform that integrates Bizagi Modeler, Bizagi Studio and the Bizagi BPM Server to build and execute business Processes.


Bizagi environment: Independent application of a Bizagi project (meaning, that it has its own Work portal, Database, and Scheduler service). By default Bizagi use three environments: Development, Test and Production. See Deploying your Processes.


Bizagi mobile application: Application that allows mobile devices to access Bizagi's Work Portal. See Mobility.


Bizagi Modeler: Bizagi solution to visually diagram, model, document and simulate business Processes in industry-standard BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation). See Bizagi Modeler.


Bizagi Studio: Bizagi's development and construction tool used to automate the defined Processes via an easy-to-use wizard.


Bizagi Studio security: Bizagi Module that allows managing end user's access rights to the Work Portal, Work portal's menus, Processes privileges, entities and global business rules. See Bizagi Studio security.


Boolean: Data type or variable with only two possible values: true or false.


Boolean expressions: Conditional expressions that evaluates a set of conditions and returns a Boolean value (true or false). See Boolean expressions.


Bottleneck: Step of a Process that limits the performance or capacity of the entire Process. See Analytics.


BPM (Business Process Management): Corporate management philosophy whose objective is to provide company directors and Process owners with the right information elements to continuously improve business effectiveness and efficiency.


BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation): Standard graphical notation that describes the logic of steps in a business Process. This notation has been especially designed to coordinate the sequence of Processes and messages that flow between participants in different activities.


Business administrator: User with the BA Business Administrator role who is able to consult any case without restrictions. That is, a Business Administrator user is always regarded as a Privileged user across all Processes. See Case security.


Business key: Attribute or attributes that uniquely identifies a record of an entity and is user-defined. See Business keys.


Business rule: Conditions, standards or rules that must be complied with and controlled by the organization in the Process flow. Business rules can be created as Expressions or Policies. See Defining business rules.




Cache: Temporary storage that allows quickly accessing to frequently used instructions and data.


Call activity: BPMN element that references an activity or diagram that is used in one or more Processes. Call Activities in Bizagi are modeled as reusable Sub-Processes. See Reusable Sub-Processes.


Case: It is the instantiation of a process that is started usually by an end user in the platform. In a case, all the BPMN elements, information, business rules, and collaboration defined are evaluated. Each case has a case number that identifies it.


Case security: Administration module that allows managing user's access privileges to the information of cases. See Case security.


CEntityManager: Class used in expressions that contains functions which are useful to obtain records and general information directly stored in Bizagi's database.


CHelper: Class used in expressions that contains functions which are useful to obtain information and execute commands on different Processes. Some of these functionalities involve: the possibility to trace the rules' execution in a custom manner, throwing validation error messages, and evaluating an attribute's value, amongst others.


Collaboration: BPMN definition. Communication between Processes through message flows. See BPMN Collaboration.


Collection: One-to-many relationship between two entities. An entity (entity A) can be associated with zero, one or many instances of another entity (entity B). However for one instance of entity B there is only one instance of entity A. See Relationship types.


Compensation activity: In the context of Transactional Processes, when a transaction has not been successfully completed, Compensation activities are executed to return all Activities that have already been completed within the Process to their initial state. See Transactional Sub-Processes.


Component library: Repository of custom-developed components that can be referenced from Bizagi. See Component library.


COM (Component Object Model): Microsoft specification method that defines a binary standard for creating binary software components that can interact. COM is the foundation for other technologies as OLE (compound documents) and ActiveX (Internet-enabled components).


Condition: Statement that must be met for an action to occur.


Conditional task: Is a Bizagi extension of BPM 2.0 standard. When used in a process, this task is enabled or disabled during the course of a case instance depending upon a business condition. It represents a user task, that is, when enabled the task is allocated to an end user. See Conditional task.


Constant definition: Definition configured by end users that acquires fixed values that do not depend on the data model. These definitions can be modified in Bizagi Studio (development environment) or in the Work Portal (production environment). See Constant definitions.


Container: Visual component of Forms that allows grouping the information displayed. See Containers.


Context (XPath): Starting point of the data model that determines how the user navigates through the set of attributes and how the information is built. See Context.


Counter (analytics): Sensor analytic that allows obtaining the number of times the Process flow has passed through a specific Task in a Process. See Sensors.


Customized columns: Bizagi's feature that allows defining the information for each application or Process, to be displayed in the Inbox, search results, queries and cases administration options. See Customize columns.


Cycle time: Measure of Process capacity. Total time from the beginning to the end of a Process.




Data integrity validation: Validation performed by Bizagi in order to make sure the completeness, accuracy and consistency of data before a project is taken into a test or production environment. See Deployed objects.


Data Model: Structure of business data that Processes requires for execution. The way a data model is defined in Bizagi, specifically defines how data is stored and accessed. See Data Modeling.


Data source: Reference of an object to an element of a Data Model.


Database engine: Software component used to create, read, update and delete data from a database.


Decision table: Precise yet compact way to model complicated logic in Bizagi. it  associates conditions with actions to perform, using constant or XPath definitions (or vocabularies). See Decision tables.


Default assignation user: User to which a Task or Event is allocated when the conditions established in the allocation rules are not met by any user. See When no user meets the allocation conditions.


Delegated user: User defined to be in charge of assisting the cases allocated to a specific user, when this user is not available. See Delegated user.


Dependencies engine: Service that detects entities, forms, rules, etc. which are being used by the Processes to be deployed, so that they are taken into the target environment automatically. See Deployed objects.


Dependency: Existing relationship between two Bizagi objects. For example, an entity can have a dependency with a Form if one or more of its attributes are included as a controls. See Deployed objects.


Deploy: Process whereby a Bizagi project is taken from one environment to another. See Deploying your Processes.


Deprecated: Functionality or feature that it is no longer supported. Deprecated features will continue to work in future versions but will no longer be available to use.


Dimension: Set of values that are used as filters by all Bizagi reports: BAM, Analytics and Sensor reports. The reports show information of all cases by default; however, cases displayed can be filtered by a Dimension. See Dimensions.


Discussions (Formerly Case comments): Complementary information for each case that can be entered by the performer or by anyone with access to it. Discussions are used throughout the case's life-cycle to share important information and to aid participants to take proper action according to the commentaries. See Case comments.


Document template: Functionality that allows generating out-of-the-box documents in Word, Excel or PDF format containing information of the Process. See Document templates.


Domain: Group of a network in which all user accounts, computers, printers and other security principals, are registered with a central security database.




ECM (Enterprise Content Management): Set of strategies, methods and tools used to organize, store and manage organization's documents and their content.


ECM repository: Centralized storage platform for organization's documents and their content.


Embedded Sub-Process: BPMN element. Set of Activities that are dependent of the Parent Process; they share the same information or data. They have a clear objective and so, can be defined with a beginning and an end. See Sub-Processes.


End Event: BPMN element that indicates a Process flow end. See Events.


Entity: Real or abstract object (people, places, events, and so on) that can be uniquely identified and contains information of interest to the business. See Data Modeling.


Entity administration form: Forms for the administration of Parameter entities in the Work Portal. It allows displaying, adding and editing records of parameter entities. See Administrable forms for parameter entities


Entity form: Form that is not created directly in the Process but in the entity that contains the information and that can be reused in several forms of a Process. See Entity Form.


Expression: Module that allows defining flow control (routing) rules, validations, calculations, functions and users allocation. There are four types of Expressions: Boolean expressions, Scripting Booleans, Scripting expressions and User scripting expressions. The scripting expressions are created using Bizagi code, to validate and calculate business requirements. See Defining business rules.


Expression element: Element used to enter instructions as code to carry out any type of task. Expressions can perform calculations and validations using XPath functions. See Expression element.




Foreign key: Attribute or attributes in an entity that uniquely identifies a record of another entity.


Form actions: Bizagi's feature that allows controlling the behavior of all attributes included in the form. See Actions and Validations.


Form control: Item or element included in a Form. See Form Controls.


Form validations: Bizagi's feature that allows validating business conditions in Forms to make sure data validity and integrity when entered by end users. See Actions and Validations.


Forms: End users interact with the automated Processes through a web designed portal that executes with any web browser. Users access this interactive Process portal called Work Portal, where they have access to all their cases with activities pending. Each pending activity is represented by a user interface, known as a Form in Bizagi, that displays its data. See Creating the user interface.


Forms designer: Editor where the user interface for each Task is designed. See Form designer components.




Gateway: BPMN element used to control the divergence and convergence of sequence flows. Gateways determine ramifications, bifurcations, combinations and merges in the Process. See Gateway properties.


Gateway condition: Condition that evaluates which path to follow when a Process reaches an exclusive or inclusive Gateway. See Process routing.


Get definition: XPath definition used to obtain a value from the business data model. See XPath definitions.


Global form: Form related to a Process that shows summarized information of a case when a user has no pending activities in it or when a case is closed. See Global and Summary forms.


Grid: Form Control used to display information contained in collections. It is also known as Table. See Table.


Group: Form container used to display information in blocks, visually organizing it into small sets of related information. See Containers.




Holiday schema: Schema that defines the holidays or days off that apply for each Working Time Schema. See Holiday Schema.




Inbox: List of all pending activities. Inboxes are independent for each end user, that is, each Inbox displays exclusively the cases that a single end users has allocated. See Main menu.


Inheritance: Inheritance allows you to break-down definitions of your objects so that you see them in terms of "sets". See Inheritance.


Inline addition/edition: Property of tables that allows adding/editing records without using an add/edit form. See Table.


Intermediate Event: BPMN element that indicates that something happens somewhere between the start and end of a Process. See Events.


Internal fields: Special type of controls found in Query forms, that allow including information regarding the cases, that is not a part of the data model. They serve as search criteria. Some internal fields are: Case State (open, closed, aborted), Current user, Case Id, Creators full name.


Interrupting Events: Type of Event attached to the boundaries of an activity. When triggered, interrupts the execution of the activity to which it is attached and continues with an alternate Process flow.


Iterate over fact element: Element that can be included in Expressions to carry out iterations (or cycles) over a one-to-many relationships USED ONLY when the relationship cannot be accessed directly through the data model using XPath. See Iterate over fact.


Iterate over XPath element: Element that can be included in Expressions to carry out iterations (or cycles) over a collection XPath, that is, a one-to-many relationship. See Iterate over XPath.




JDBC: API for the Java programming language that defines how a client must access a database.


Job: Task scheduled to execute actions independent from the process flow, periodically. Executed by the Scheduler service.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): Open standard format that uses readable text to interchange data.





KPI (Key performance indicator): Performance measure of a Process.




Lane: BPMN element used to differentiate elements as internal roles, position, department, etc. They represent functional areas that may be responsible for Tasks. See Swimlanes properties.


Layout: Form designer component that allows manipulating the design of the form, specifically the separation of content into different columns. The layout tab defines the percentage by which to distribute the space available in the work area. See Layouts


LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): Set of protocols for accessing and maintaining information directories over an internet protocol network.


Load balancer: Computer networking method for distributing workloads across multiple computing resources.


Localization: Property of Bizagi objects that allows their translation to any language. See Localizing Processes and its components


Location: Component of organization that refers to the geographic location. This section also defines offices or branches, if applicable. In Bizagi, a user belongs to one location. See Organization.




Management Console: Application used to manage Production or Test environments. Some of the maintenance activities that can be performed from the Management console are: following up Scheduled jobs, changing the SMTP Server for notifications, setting execution traces, reviewing connection parameters configured to integrated with external systems, or manage licenses and clustering in your Production environment, amongst others.


Many-to-many relationship: Relationship between two entities where one instance of an entity (entity A) is associated with one, zero or many instances of another entity (entity B), and one instance of entity B is associated with one, zero or many instances of entity A. See Relationship types.


Mapping: Process whereby a Bizagi object is related to an element of the Data Model.


Master entity: Business entity that stores information that is directly and exclusively related to each Process case. See Entity types.


Meta data: Data entered in each case instance related to each attribute.


Milestone: BPMN element. Sub-partition within the Process that indicates different stages or phases during the Process. See Swimlanes properties.


Mobility: Bizagi's feature that provides compatibility with every mobile platform offering an optimized user experience for mobile devices. See Mobility.


Multiple Sub-Process: Type of Sub-Process that allows the creation of several occurrences or instances of the same Sub-Process. See Understanding multiple Sub-Processes.


My Stuff: Enable knowledge workers to view, sort, navigate and manage data that belongs to them via a new section in the Work Portal (i.e. their credit cards, their appointments, their cars, their tickets). Each set of data is presented as a list where existing records can be navigated, filtered and sorted. Each record will present the Actions defined in the authoring environment. See My Stuff.




Nested form: Form that is immersed within another form. Nested forms are created in the entity that contains their information, and not directly in the Process. See Entity Form.




One-click deployment: Tool to perform Deployments of Processes in an easy-to-use manner via wizard. See Deploying your Processes.


One-to-many relationship: Type of relationship where an entity (entity A) can be associated with zero, one or many instances of another entity (entity B). However for one instance of entity B there is only one instance of entity A. See Relationship types.


One-to-one relationship: Type of relationship where there is a single correspondence between two entities. That is, each record from entity A is associated with a single record from entity B and vice versa. See Relationship types.


OLAP (Online analytical processing): Technology used to collect, manage and process multidimensional data and provide fast access to this data for analytic purposes.


Organization: Bizagi's feature that allows defining the hierarchical structure of a company and the association between the different people or areas of which it consists. See Organization.


Organization Wizard: Wizard that allows creating and updating the organization's characteristics. See Organization Wizard.




Parameter entity: Entity that stores predefined values, or parameter values, that are independent from the Processes’ execution. During a case their values can be used but they cannot be modified or written to. See Entity types.


Parent process: Process from which a specific Sub-Process is created or launched.


Password encryption: Process of encoding passwords in such way that only authorized parties can read them and security is increased. See Work Portal Administration.


Performer: User that carries out an activity. See Work Allocation.


Personas: Represent groups of end users in your application and make available similar capabilities to interact with the Work Portal, enabling deep personalization in their overall experience (i.e. Doctor, Patient, Teacher, Student, Credit Analyst, Customer). Enabling a user as a Persona brings a host of benefits. Personas are decision makers that can launch processes, update data records (without being involved in any process) and link process together to create powerful cases. They can also view, order, sort and navigate data that belongs to them (i.e. their credit cards, their appointments, their cars, their tickets). See Personas.


Persona Contexts: States defined for each Persona that allow grouping in a logical way all the actions and collections that are enabled for a certain individual, according to their reality. Only functionality that actually makes sense to a person logged in will be displayed. See Personas Contexts.


Plan: A series of activities that can be defined within a running task of a process. With Plans you decide the activities that need to be done, the order in which they are executed (sequential or in parallel), establish due dates and the responsible person for each of them. See My Plans.


Policy manager: Wizard that allows creating and updating Policies. See Creating a policy.


Policy rule: Policy that evaluates simple business conditions; an action is executed when a condition is fulfilled. These rules are based on If, Else and Then logical operators. See Policy rules.


Pool: BPMN element. Container of a single Process (contains the sequence flows between activities). See Swimlanes properties.


Precondition: It allows defining a condition hierarchy to organize the execution of actions based on simple logical conditions, restricting or allowing the execution of elements found in a lower hierarchy. See Preconditions


Process: Group of actions and steps executed to achieve a particular objective. In BPMN, a process contains all shapes, or modeling elements, that fulfill the logic to achieve the objective.


Process instance: The process instance is a case of a process. This instance encompasses all the information of the case that can be tracked base on a number or Id of the instance.


Process scope attribute: Attribute that does not belong to the Process data model and it is used to store temporary information, for the time a Process lasts. See Temporary attributes.


Process automation: Steps followed to turn a Process diagram into a running application.


Process Xchange: Set of ready-to-use executable Processes templates. Download them, learn, explore and adapt the Process to your company’s particular needs. See Process Xchange.


Process check in: Bizagi's feature used to avoid conflicts when users work at the same time in the same Process diagram.


Process entity: Entity from where all the Process data is accessed. See Process Entity.


Process routing: Business Rules that determine the path that must be followed by the Process flow when reaching a divergent Gateway that require an expression: Exclusive and Inclusive Gateways. See Process routing.


Process simulation: Bizagi's feature that allows evaluating a process definition before they are implemented in real life. See Simulation.


Process Wizard: Wizard that guides users through the different steps that have to be followed to turn a Process diagram into a running application. See Wizard view.




Query: Consultation of information related to created cases. See Queries.


Query form: Form that contains search criteria to consult created cases. See Query forms.




Relevant to me: List of process actions defined as favorites in a Persona context. See Relevant to Me.


Replication: Data-level integration mechanism which allows connecting the Process data model to external data sources. With Replication, Bizagi synchronizes its entities with the external data source's information periodically (as a scheduled Task) and so keep an updated copy of the information stored in the external table. See Replication.


Replication schemas: Configuration that defines the frequency and way the Replicated information is updated, inserted or disabled in Bizagi from the external source. See Replication.


Reusable Sub-Process: BPMN element. Set of Activities that are dependent of the Parent Process and can be invoked from one of more Processes. In BPMN a reusable Sub-Process receives the name of Call Activity. See Sub-Processes.


Rule groups: Groups of Policy rules with similar purposes. When a Rule Group is related to an Activity Action, all the policies included in the Group will be evaluated. See Rule groups.




Scripting Boolean expression: Complex conditional expression that evaluates a set of conditions and returns a Boolean value (true or false). See Scripting Booleans.


Scope attribute: Temporary Attribute that does not belong to the Process data model and it is used to store information for a short time and without being saved into the database.. See Temporary attributes.


Sensor (analytics): Set of management indicators that allows reviewing and control the time and number of cases between any two Tasks in a Process, the number of activations of a given Task and establish SLA (Service Level Agreements) comparisons. See Sensors.


Sequence: Counter that is incremented by a defined value for each invocation. Sequences are often used to guarantee unique values for Attributes associated to a specified case or Customize Case numbers. See Define and use sequences.


Server: System that provides services to other computer programs (and their users) in the same or other computers (network service).


Set definition: XPath definition used to set a value to the business data model. See XPath definitions.


Shape: A shape is any of the following BPMN modeling elements: Tasks, Events, or Gateways.


Signal Event: BPMN element. Event used to communicate Processes between each other through sending and receiving signals. See Collaboration.


SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): Standard communication protocol for sending messages across Internet Protocol networks.


SOA Layer: Bizagi layer used to expose the Processes' functionality for integration with external applications. See SOA Layer.


SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): XML-based protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services in computer networks.


Start Event: BPMN element that indicates a Process flow starts. See Events


Start Form: Launches a new case instance temporarily, and allow end users to confirm the process creation when they are certain of this action, or closing the form without confirming to avoid unnecessary case creation. See Start Form.


Step: A step is the execution of a shape diagrammed in a process. For BPU consumption, start and end shapes are not considered steps.


Stopwatch: Sensor analytic that allows obtaining the number of times the Process flow has passed through a specific path in a Process and the time it has taken to do so. See Sensors.


Sub-Process: BPMN element. Activity that includes shapes and elements within it. A Sub-Process is a Process in itself, whose functionality is part of a larger Process. See Sub-Processes.


Sub-Process instance: Specific occurrence of a Multiple Sub-Process. See Multiple Sub-Process concepts.


Summary form: Form related to a Process that shows summarized information of a case without actually entering the case. See Global and Summary forms.


Surrogate key: Consecutive row numbers automatically generated which uniquely identify each record in an entity. It has no connection to the data attributes in the row but simply makes the whole row unique. See Data modeling.


System entity: Entity that belongs to the Bizagi's internal data model and includes information concerning the end user, areas, locations, roles, skills among other. See Entity types.


System job: Scheduled job associated to system maintenance tasks that Bizagi automatically performs in order to make sure a proper system status. See




Table: Form Control used to display information contained in collections. See Table.


Tag (Template tag): Reference to an object of the data model of a Process that is used in Document templates to display information of the Process. See Document templates.


Task: BPMN element. Activity that cannot be broken down into lower levels of detail. It is performed by a person and/or application. See Modeling for execution.


Template: Display data information according to the Persona's needs. See Data Templates.


Theme builder: Visual editor that allows defining and configuring the Work Portal look and feel. See Theme Builder.


Timeline: Features a list of all activities executed in the process with the user allocated and the time of resolution, sorted by when they were created. It also contains a Process map to view the connection between processes (i.e. which processes launched which ones) and an Activity map, presenting which Activities where the ones that launched another. See Timeline.


Token: A descriptive construct used to describe how the flow of a Process will proceed at run-time. The concept of a token is used to explain some of the underlying behavior of a BPMN model. The performance of the Process is represented by describing how this theoretical token travel (or doesn’t travel) down the available Sequence Flow paths and through the flow objects (Events, Activities, and Gateways).


Totalizer: Property of table columns that allows obtaining a unique value by applying an aggregate function to its columns. Possible aggregate functions are: Count, max, min, average, sum. See Totalizers.


Trace: Bizagi's feature that allows debugging the execution of the entire Process and the objects and components that make up the Work Portal.


Transactional Sub-Process: BPMN element. Sub-Process whose behavior is controlled through a transaction protocol. It includes the three basic outcomes of a transaction: Successful Completion, Failed Completion and Cancel Intermediate Event. See Understanding Transactional Sub-Processes.


Triggers: Are automatic actions that react to any change in data and run immediately after that, when a condition is met. There are two types of triggers to choose from: launch a process or execute a Rule. See Triggers.




UI: User Interface. Often related to Forms, but it can refer to the whole Work Portal.


User group: Groups that combine user properties to find end users that meet all of them. User groups are used to grant or restrict access to menus in the Work Portal. See User groups.


User job: Customized scheduled job associated to user defined tasks.


User pending request: Request created for the Work Portal administrator to unblock a user account when the account owner exceeds the maximum number of failed login attempts or the inactive time limit of the account has been reached. See Blocked accounts.


User property: An attribute created to complement end user's information. This includes full name, email address, domain, roles, positions, delegated user, and any other defined by the user. See User properties.




Virtualization: Data-level integration mechanism which allows connecting the Process data model to external data sources. With Virtualization, Processes in Bizagi can access information stored across multiple data sources (RDBMS, XMLs etc.), and present it as part of the business information. See Virtualization.


Visibility rule: Set of conditions that must be met in order to display a Control in a Form. See Visible, editable and required using expression.


Vocabulary: Definition that obtains or sets information to be used in Expressions and Policies. The main advantage of Vocabularies is that their values are easily changed by end users in the Work Portal, allowing flexibility and adaptability to changing business conditions. See Vocabulary.




Wait job: Scheduled job associated to a Process flow created by Timer intermediate Event.


Web Part: Powerful portal integration feature that allows a seamless integration between Bizagi and SharePoint. See Bizagi Web Parts for Sharepoint.


Web service: Describes a standardized way of integrating Web-based applications using the XML, SOAP, WSDL open standards over an Internet protocol.


WFUser: System entity that contains the information of Bizagi users.


Widget: Customized Form control with predefined properties oriented toward a specific business requirement. Widgets are useful for scenarios where Bizagi default controls do not satisfy business needs. Thus Bizagi provides extended functionality to customize the user interface (i.e., display a statistics chart, use a Google map, or anything else not considered in the comprehensive set of controls). See Customizing the User Interface.


Widget store: Bizagi's store where ready-to-use Widgets can be downloaded. See Customizing the User Interface.


Workitem: A Workitem is the instance of a shape in a case. For example, when a task is started in a case of a process. The Workitem keeps all the relevant information for the shape, for example, who is assigned or the due date.


Work Portal: User interface where end users create new cases and have access to the ones they have been allocated, to carry out the Activities according to what has been designed. See Bizagi Work Portal.


Workflow engine: Software application that interprets and executes the steps and business rules defined in a Workflow.


Working time schema: Bizagi's feature that defines the work schedule for Organization and users. See Working time schema.


WS Connector: Bizagi's component that promotes easy configuration to invoke external Web services. This connector supports both invoking standard SOAP Web services and REST services.




XPath: XML based language used to navigate through the elements and attributes of a Bizagi's data model.


XPath definition: Expression that obtains or update values of the business data model. In contrast to the Constants definitions, the XPath Definitions must be associated to a Process or Application. See XPath definitions.


XPath function: Function that allows performing operations and calculations over collections in an easy and intuitive way. See XPath functions.







Last Updated 1/27/2025 4:42:26 PM